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Take Your Time, But Hurry Up!

Take your time, but hurry up! This is a line that someone I knew loved to tell any and everyone! Running a little late? No, problem. Take your time, but hurry up. He'd use this line on every occasion it applied. It would catch people off guard and often after digesting what was said, they would chuckle. He was kidding but not really. It was his humorous way of saying hurry up! It's time to go!

When it comes to changing your lifestyle to live healthier, I say, take your time, but hurry up! Time is against us. There is no time to waste, so let your journey begin today. Not everyone who needs to change their diet to a healthy diet is overweight, obese or morbidly obese. But what you eat everyday is unhealthy. You have a diet full of sugar, fried foods, red meats, processed foods and so much more. You don't have a balance of fresh fruits or vegetables. Some of you don't eat fruits or vegetables at all. How could you possibly be healthy?

You don't even drink water. You drink soda pops, coffee, tea, juices, and milk but no water. Your body needs water!

Let's focus on eating healthy. If you focus on eating healthy I believe weight loss is inevitable for those who are overweight. I ask anyone no matter your size or age. What are you putting into your body on a daily basis? You really are what you eat. If you constantly consume junk food, your body will reflect that of someone who eats junk food all the time. Give it time and you will see what your unhealthy diet is doing to your body. 

Don't take your time but hurry up! Change your diet today. Choose a healthier balanced diet that includes more fresh fruits, vegetables, salads, poultry and healthier food choices. This change isn't easy. It's a day to day struggle but I believe it's well worth the challenge in the long run. Let's endeavor to love our bodies and ourselves.

Lady Blogger


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