My weight loss journey has been long and slow. I don't go to the gym. I do my own exercises. Sometimes in life things can become so overwhelming that exercise has to go to the bottom of my list. The work I do 7 days a week, 12 hours a day is very demanding both mentally and physically. It's God that keeps me going. Even when I'm exhausted I know I can never give up and never quit!
My weight has come off slowly. The more weight I lose the harder it is to lose. For the longest time, I couldn't even see the weight loss. I still struggle with that everyday. I look in the mirror and I could swear I'm bigger than I was yesterday. I know it sounds ridiculous but the mind can play many tricks on us. I struggle to see how much smaller I am now than when I began this journey.
These days I'm thinking about putting myself in maintenance mode and giving myself an emotional break for a week or two. Maintenance mode is no intentional weight loss or weight gain. Just maintaining the current weight. Trust me, losing weight is a daily struggle. And it can be exhausting at times. Self-control and denying myself during this journey has been the reason I've come this far. Thank you God!
I found a picture taken by food delivery in February 2023. I just happened to be in the picture, that they were taking of the food. It's not a very clear or detailed photo but I can see my size.
I was shocked because I could see my weight loss clearly. It was a WOW moment! I thought, I Can See It Now! I really have lost a lot of weight!! The picture is included with this post. Yeah. I'm still a very big girl but those of you who knew me when I was almost 400 lbs. should see the difference now too!
God is gracious to me! I thank Him for helping me get this far! All Glory to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and my Father Jehovah God Almighty! God is GOOD!
Ladi Blogger
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