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Don't Be Afraid of Stand Still

Hello everyone! Don't be afraid of standing still. What I mean is standing still in your weight loss journey. There will be periods of time that your weight loss will stand still. I mean really still. You will not lose weight yet you're sticking to proper eating habits and exercise. This too shall pass. I've gone through periods like this often enough. 

I remember, it seemed like I couldn't lose weight no matter what. All of a sudden it was like I dropped twenty pounds overnight. I'm serious, I noticed I'd lost a lot of inches my clothes were much bigger on me. I also want to point out you may not lose pounds but you will be losing inches. Look I've learned to just go with the flow. If you don't learn to go with the flow you will become an emotional roll coaster on your weight loss journey.  Just take a deep breath. Everything will be alright! Really! Just keep going.

At the beginning of your weight loss journey. The weight will come off pretty easy and pretty fast. Let me tell you it will not stay that way. The more you lose the slower it may come off. Exercise is key to helping you in this area. Burn a few calories when you can. Exert yourself and get that heart to pumping. Move, move and more even more!

Stay encouraged! You got this! Never Give Up! Never Quit! 

The Lady Blogger


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