I want to eat when and what I want! I truly do get tired of watching, planning and monitoring what I eat. This is the greatest daily challenge for me that is. I started this lifestyle change a few years ago and I get so tired of picking and choosing. I mean that's the nature of man, right? What I do to get over these rough patches? Yes, they are rough patches.
I change my weekly weight loss goal. My normal setting is 1 1/2 pounds a week. Trust me I probably never lose that much in a week but according to my calorie intake and the information in the MyFitnessPal Application that is my estimated expected weight loss. I will decrease my weekly weight loss goal so that I can consume more calories. This allows me to indulge in a craving. Just eating any and everything without tracking the caloric impact is not wise at all and nor is it beneficial. It doesn't take much with me usually to satisfy a craving for something sweet or a dish that isn't a normal part of my diet. I do endeavor to focus on the negative impact of certain foods and simply will not consume them at all, no matter how much I crave them. By the way I love Korean food.
Decreasing your calorie intake from 2 lbs. a week weight loss goal to 1 1/2 lbs. a week will allow an extra 250 calories a day. 1 1/2 lbs. a week weight loss goal to 1 lb. a week will allow another 250 calories a day. If you go from 2 lbs. to 1 lb. you increase your daily calorie intake to 500 more calories you can consume a day. 3500 calories a week less than what your body needs will allow a one-pound weight loss. Basically, you need to eat 500 calories less a day to lose a pound a week. Maintenance mode is where you maintain your weight and lose no pounds a week. Maintenance mode would allow you to eat more calories daily while maintaining your body weight, because you're eating the number of calories your body needs daily and not decreasing your daily calorie intake.
Yes, my weight loss is slow but sure. This is a lifetime change and a realistic journey. I don't spend hours a day working out like some reality weight loss shows. This journey is for an average person like me. I work 7 days a week, 12 hours a day as a full-time caregiver. I don't have that type of free time at all! My job is mentally challenging and physically challenging as well, every single day!
My point is you can do this and yes it will take time. But you don't have to live as a glutton overeating every single day. Consuming more calories than your body needs daily is detrimental to your health and your body. Gluttony is also a sin against God, being a follower of Jesus Christ, my desire and goal is to do those things that please Him. I usually say to myself, one day at a time Sweet Jesus, one day at a time.
Ladi Blogger
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