There have been days that I had to look at my daily diary and think, did I eat that? Many times, it's not the amount or portion size of what we eat but the value of the food we consume. You can have one slice of coconut cake. That's right one slice but that slice of cake is equivalent to a full meal in calories. You've already eaten a meal worth of calories for a dessert. These are not wise choices and can cause you to constantly go over your daily allotted calorie count. Being hungry unnecessarily because you didn't say no to a piece of cake makes you realize pretty quickly that those aren't the food choices you want to make often. MyFitnessPal Application gives you the ability to input your personal statistics into the application. Allowing the proper calculation for calorie count and nutritional needs for you daily. One pound gain means that you consumed 3,500 calories more than your body needed. Yep! Take it one day at a time. Don't be too hard on yourself....
My realistic weight loss journey. No drugs or surgeries. Just the determination to lose the excess weight, by making healthy food choices and lifestyle changes. I'll share my success and failures.